Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My 500 word challenge- Answered! Take that!

So on Friday, last week, the pirates in the comments of Friday's blog, issued a 500 word challenge to everyone reading. The goal was to write something that weekend to just get the creative juices flowing. I have been having a difficult time lately sitting in one place and writing. But I managed it this weekend (a little) and a lot more this week in my slow minutes.

And yes, Lisa, I managed to get in the skin on skin challenge too- it's just not here.

Here is a little taste. This is planned for Sadie's second book, tentitively unnamed. Sadie is looking for her younger sister and has gotten herself into quite the predictiment posing as a waitress at a strip joint. Sadie's cousin, Kiki, has sent someone to watch over her. Fireworks ensue.


"Why me?" I took a deep breath and Cherry shook her head. "I'm the least attractive woman here."

Cherry reached behind her and grabbed two shot glasses and a bottle of cheap whisky.

"Well, honey," her voice smooth southern sugar as she poured us two clean shots to the brim. "Sooner than later all of heaven's angels have to fall into hell to be tested. Maybe this is your test." She handed me a shot and pursed her lips. I watched her tip the shot glass back and she sat the little glass behind her. "Just remember to smile, act like you want him to have a good time and don't say a word."

I stared up at her with wide eyes and she gestured to my shot glass, "Now drink up. You need all the liquid courage you can get."

I took a deep breath and tipped the glass back. The liquor burned past my lips, set fire to my nose. My eyes started to water. I couldn't even open my mouth to choke out, "Help, I'm dying!"

A weak cough made it past my lips and Cherry laughed, and patted me on the back. "Whisky virgin. Oh, honey, you've got a lot of living still to do."

I nodded, wiping the tears running down my face. There was a fire in my nose and the warm liquid only filled my stomach with more butterflies. I hated to tell Cherry this wasn't the type of living I wanted to do. "Thanks Cherry. I feel better."

"Don't mention it, sweets." She glanced over my shoulder and gave me a look. "Rob's on his way over here. Turn around and smile. It's the only way to get him off your back."

Cherry turned away from me and gracefully took the tray off the bar. She winked as she sashayed by me and Rob came up beside me, closer than I cared for and I plastered a smile on my lips.

"He's waiting for you in the last room." He took my arm and turned me in a half-circle checking out my ass. "You don't have time to change, so you'll just have to do."

"But the last room is the room with all the mirrors." I protested weakly as Rob steered me in the direction of the dark hallway. He gave me a little shove in the direction of the room and stood in my way of backing out and bolting for the door.



Lin said...

OMG. You're updating your blog again! *happy dance* The end of the year is nearing fast, better get to writing some more or I'll come kick your ass.


Sin said...

LOL! So I get this comment in my inbox and say, "Where did this come from?" And realized it was my personal blog. LOL

I promise to work on it. Pinky swear *g*