Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Could it be?!

Out of the five pirates plus Hal, I've updated my personal blog more recent?

How the hell did that happen? And I don't even have time for it.

I just thought I'd bask in this moment for a minute or two. I always get shit for not updating my blogger. Truth is, I never have anything good to talk about. I'm a procrastinator. We don't make conversation. We invent them in our head and have it with ourselves. Easier that way.

I thought I'd also take this opportunity to say I'm hoping to write 20k each week until my WIP is finished. I have a good start. Three days I've written 12k and hoping to write more tonight.

So how goes it, peeps? How's your word count coming along? Or should we go by page numbers?


haleigh said...

wow! Way to be on top of things :)

So......why exactly is your word-count-o-meter down to 15k??? Did you delete again? We promised not to do that!

And 20k a day? Yikes! Where are you now?

I'm over halfway! I know you already know that, but I'm so excited I have to keep telling people over and over again. I'm past the halfway point!! There's no going back now, baby!

Sin said...

Dude. I'm sucking it up today. No words written. I'm a loser.

I'm at 20k. And you already knew that I scratched some stuff. It wasn't readable and when I read back to find my point, there was none, so I deleted it out. Total filler, paragraph after paragraph of info dump and it's already been determined that I'm going WAY over 100k in my first draft.

No sense in arguing with me. You know I do what I want. LOL

I'm SO SUPER PROUD OF YOU! Halfway! That's big! Huge! Awesome! I'm gonna get there soon. This weekend will be bunk for me because of company but I'm gonna try writing late into Saturday night and into Sunday morning.

Marnee Bailey said...

I'm eh. I haven't written anything so far this week, though I've been thinking about it. Does thinking count?

Maybe tonight, though I wanted to make my blog rounds as I haven't done that in the last week or so. (I suck).

Good goal with the 20K. I wish I were able to be so disciplined. LOL!

Kelly Krysten said...

LOL! As a fellow procrastinator, I can completely identify with the conversations held with one's self.
Good luck with your goal!