Monday, October 1, 2007

Hellion Called Me Out.

Choose your weapon and take your ten paces- sorta thing.

Except I can't hit the broad side of a bar at ten paces. lol.

This morning a little pirate birdy (Hellion) twirped in my ear (rather loudly if you ask me) that I'd neglicted my blog since July.

Has it really been since July!!?

Yikes. You know that saying where they say, "Time flies while your having fun"?

I think they had a little too much rum to drink when they said that.

I can't say I've done much since July. I have joined a critique group, much to Hellion's urging. The Sassy Scribes suit me perfectly. I love them. I adore them. And there's nothing like meeting early on a Saturday and having an outting that feels more like meeting a beloved girlfriend for coffee. I've been writing on my first novel, Double Vision. It seems to be going well. The beginning is always the hardest for me. But I'm past it now and I'm edging up into the 25k land after having to rewrite 65k words to make my new plot work.

I'm waiting for Autumn to arrive in my land. Apparently MO didn't get the memo that it's now October and officially autumn because it was 90 degrees this weekend.

Anyway, I will keep up this blog. It's my solemn promise as a pirate. Wait. Do pirates make promises?

Yeah, I didn't think so. I'm SO going to dig this pirate thing. *grin*


Terri Osburn said...

It's November 10!!! Is this what you call keeping up?!?!